segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

::: Pensava
O chão - estava repleto de ilusão.
   A espera já tomara raízes,
Florescia aqui, na escuridão

Frutificou - sempre, cada dia.
   Acordando, via-me derrotado:
"O Agora a vitória me adia:

Mais um dia sem beleza, glória,
   Mais um dia acordado sem você."
E a espera ia virando minha história.

Meu teto - tem tão pouco alento.
   Olho-o; e olha-me enternecido,
Entre nós há tanto - tempo, e vento.


::: Feints of Kiss and Embrace

Many times I thought love had come
When, in truth, love was gone.
I thought I slept under love's shading
When in fact I lingered on its fading.

Seems I'm never free from such toil,
Here and there entangled in love's foil.
I though myself with her blending,
Blind to the truth - love was ending.

Suddenly such things come to my mind,
But my hopes leave all reason behind:
How can one believe a love so true
If that love is but a lie to pass through?

But something gives me a little solace:
All those feints, of kiss and embrace,
were for a second true and corporeal
- though not lasting, just surreal.

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